2020年8月30日 星期日

Progress 範本


Timeline (→ ⇒ ↑ ↓)

ADL/iADL dependent, ___照顧, cons clear, ECOG

[Active problems]


[Key person]

================== NTUH ER ====================================

/  [VS]
   [Mx, Tx]





PCV //






Full resuscitation

================ CCU ==================



PCV //


[Mechanical circulatory support]






=== Ward ===========





Normal diet

Full resuscitation


[Physical Examination]
HEENT: Pink conjunctiva, anicteric sclera
Heart: Regular heart beat without murmur
Chest: clear breath sounds
Abdomen: Soft and flat, normoactive bowel sounds
Extremities: No pitting edema
Skin: no ecchymoses. no rash


■ CAD Risk: 
DM(), Hypertension(), Dyslipidemia(), Smoking(), Sex(), Age>45(men)(), Age>55(woman or postmenopause)(), Family history(male<55, female<65), Lack of exercise(), obesity (BMI)

【History of Obstetrics and Gynecology】
1. G   P   AA   SA    E (NSD*   , C/S*   ), sexual experience:    , marital status: 
2. Menarche:     years old, menopause:    , hormone therapy:   , 
  Menstrual cycle: interval/duration:   /   days,
  Amount: moderate, dysmenorrhea:(   ), 
last menstrual period: 2019/
3. Last Pap smear and result: (2021/  /  ) 

【Brief History】
1. Birth history: 
   GP, GA  wks, BBW:  gm, NSD/ C/S due to _____
   PROM(-), Perinatal asphyxia(-), Neonatal jaundice(-)
2. Feeding: on full diet
3. Vaccination: As scheduled
4. Growth and development: 
   - BW:  kg (  th percentile); 
   - BH:  cm (  th percentile);
   - Developmental milestones: within normal limits
5. Allergies: Denied drug and food allergy
6. Past history: 
   - Systemic disease: 
   - Admission history: 
   - Surgical history:
7. Current medication:
   - NTUH: 
   - Other: nil
8. Maternal history: denied any systemic disease, DM(-), HTN(-)
   Denied radiation or drug exposure during pregnancy
9. Family history: no relevant disease, HTN(-), DM(-), Allergy(-)
 T:travel history: denied
 O:occupation    : 
 C:contact       : denied
 C:cluster       : denied

【Oncology Summary】 revised on 
■1. Initial Presentations
■2. Definite Diagnosis
■3. Disease Extent
■4. Treatment Course
■5. Effects and Side effects
■6. Plan