2020年5月15日 星期五

急診模板: CV

  • Chest pain, ACS

Chest pressure/ tightness/ pain, radiated to back/ jaw/ neck/ left arm/ right arm for____, since____
Sudden/ Gradual onset, excertional induced, dull pain/ tearing sensation /sharp pain/ stinging pain/ pleuritic pain/ burning sensation
Aggravated by lying down/ sitting up/ walking/ exercising/ climbing stairs
Relieved by taking NTG/ taking medicine/ lying down/ sitting up/ resting
Nausea (-), vomiting (-), diaphoresis (-), exertional dyspnea (-), orthopnea (-)
Cough (-), sputum (-), color (-), rhinorrhea (-), sore throat (-)
Abdominal pain (-), constipation (-)
Dysuria(-), frequency (-), urgency (-)
Recent trauma (-), Surgery history (-)
Recent forceful vomiting after drinking alcohol (-), dysphagia (-)

CV risk factor:
-DM (-), HTN (-), Dyslipidemia (-), Obesity (-), Smoking (-), Physical inactivity (-),
-Age (-), Sex (-), FHx(-)

  • Hypertension

BP, when, resistant to medication
Headache (), seizure (), stroke (), blurred vision ()
Chest pain ()/ radiation to back (), chest tightness (), dyspnea (), orthopnea (), bil leg swelling ()
Urine output (), hematuria (), dizziness (), palpitation ()

Current medication: titration (), changing ()
Change in diet ()
Use of steroids ()

Pheochromocytoma 5P:
-Pressure: hypertensive ()
-Pain: headache (), chest pain ()    
-Palpitations: tachycardia (), tremor (), weight loss (), fever ()
-Perspiration () 大量流汗
-Pallor ()

HTN (), Aortic dissection (), ischemic stroke ()  

  • Syncope

Micturition, cough, defecation, standing for too long, 打針
Turning head, shaving
Orthostatic hypotension, postural change
Seizure-like movement
Current medication:

Heart: regular/ irregular heartbeats, murmur (-),

OPD, Holter, Adm EPS

