2020年5月17日 星期日

急診模板: Trauma

Helmet (+), head injury (-), ILOC (-)
Active and passive ROM:
Gait: steady
Amnesia (-)
Suspected open or depressed skull fracture:
Sign of basilar skull fracture: raccoon eyes (-), Battle's sign (-), CSF otorrhea (-), CSF rhinorrhea (-)
More than 2 episodes of vomoting:
Retrograde amnesia to the event more than 30 minutes:
Dangerous mechanism:
Current medication: anticoagulant (-), antiplatelet (-)
Tetanus vaccine in recent 5 years: denied
Muscle power: R/L  /
Sensory deficit: nil
Allergy: nil
Last meal: 

No visible head wound
No obvious chest and abdominal injury
No focal neurological sign, no focal weakness


  • 急診創傷評估、處置
  • 自介
  • 病人名字、這裡是哪裡、你發生啥事
  • Primary ABCDE
    • A:airway+C-spine restriction,呼吸通暢?
      • 困難插管:影像輔助->cricothyrotomy(ER不做氣切!)
      • C-spine 可問上下肢運動、感覺
    • B:breathing & ventilation,呼吸、換氣足夠?
      • 呼吸pattern、換氣功能(Ambu, BiPAP, Ventilator)、氧合狀態
    • C:circulation & hemorrhagic control,休克?
      • Tachycardia -> ↓BP -> shock, conscious change
    • D:diability,意識清楚?
      • AVPU(清聲痛否)、pupil size、light reflex
    • E:exposure & environmental control +保暖
      • Back & perineum + DRE/Anal tone
      • 保暖:輸warm fluid+烤燈
  • 4大立即致命胸部外傷
    • Tension pnx
    • Open pnx
    • Massive hemothorax
    • Flail chest
  • FAST
    • Morrison pouch:肝腎
    • hepatospleno:肝脾
    • Pericardial
    • Douglas pouch
  • Secondary survey
    • 全身各處再檢查(孔洞:鼻、耳、NG、陰道、尿道)
    • AMPLE(之前吃藥過敏)
      • A:allergy過敏
      • M:medicine過敏
      • P:past illness/ pregnancy 過去病史、懷孕
      • L:last meal上一餐啥時吃、吃啥
      • E:events/ environment related to injury 發生啥事、環境如何
    • 完整PE、NE、Image
  • 撞到頭
    • Canadian CT Head Injury/ Trauma rule
      • 在正常人使用,看ICH是否需ICU、neurointervention
    • New Orleans/Charity Head Trauma/ Injury rule
      • 應付刁民用
      • 只要頭撞到幾乎都可用
      • 看任何出血
  • C-spine
    • Canadian C-spine
    • NEXUS Criteria for C-spine imaging
  • 小兒撞到頭
    • PECARN Pediatric Head Injury/Trauma Algorithm

