2020年8月30日 星期日

Progress 範本


Timeline (→ ⇒ ↑ ↓)

ADL/iADL dependent, ___照顧, cons clear, ECOG

[Active problems]


[Key person]

================== NTUH ER ====================================

/  [VS]
   [Mx, Tx]





PCV //






Full resuscitation

================ CCU ==================



PCV //


[Mechanical circulatory support]






=== Ward ===========





Normal diet

Full resuscitation


[Physical Examination]
HEENT: Pink conjunctiva, anicteric sclera
Heart: Regular heart beat without murmur
Chest: clear breath sounds
Abdomen: Soft and flat, normoactive bowel sounds
Extremities: No pitting edema
Skin: no ecchymoses. no rash


■ CAD Risk: 
DM(), Hypertension(), Dyslipidemia(), Smoking(), Sex(), Age>45(men)(), Age>55(woman or postmenopause)(), Family history(male<55, female<65), Lack of exercise(), obesity (BMI)

【History of Obstetrics and Gynecology】
1. G   P   AA   SA    E (NSD*   , C/S*   ), sexual experience:    , marital status: 
2. Menarche:     years old, menopause:    , hormone therapy:   , 
  Menstrual cycle: interval/duration:   /   days,
  Amount: moderate, dysmenorrhea:(   ), 
last menstrual period: 2019/
3. Last Pap smear and result: (2021/  /  ) 

【Brief History】
1. Birth history: 
   GP, GA  wks, BBW:  gm, NSD/ C/S due to _____
   PROM(-), Perinatal asphyxia(-), Neonatal jaundice(-)
2. Feeding: on full diet
3. Vaccination: As scheduled
4. Growth and development: 
   - BW:  kg (  th percentile); 
   - BH:  cm (  th percentile);
   - Developmental milestones: within normal limits
5. Allergies: Denied drug and food allergy
6. Past history: 
   - Systemic disease: 
   - Admission history: 
   - Surgical history:
7. Current medication:
   - NTUH: 
   - Other: nil
8. Maternal history: denied any systemic disease, DM(-), HTN(-)
   Denied radiation or drug exposure during pregnancy
9. Family history: no relevant disease, HTN(-), DM(-), Allergy(-)
 T:travel history: denied
 O:occupation    : 
 C:contact       : denied
 C:cluster       : denied

【Oncology Summary】 revised on 
■1. Initial Presentations
■2. Definite Diagnosis
■3. Disease Extent
■4. Treatment Course
■5. Effects and Side effects
■6. Plan

2020年6月29日 星期一


2020年5月31日 星期日



  • General 
    • Fever
    • Febrile neutropenia
  • CV
    • Chest pain, ACS
    • Hypertension
    • Syncope
  • Chest
    • Dyspnea, DOE, SOB
  • GI
    • Abdominal pain
    • Hiccup
    • Nausea, Vomiting
    • GIB
    • Dysphagia, odynophagia
    • Foreign body
    • Diarrhea
    • Jaundice
  • Nephro
    • Flank pain, hematuria, stone
    • AKI, ↓ UOP
    • Dialysis patient emergency
  • ID
    • SSTI (Skin & soft tissue infection)
  • Rheuma
    • Joint pain 
  • Neuro
    • Consciousness disturbance
    • Headache
    • Dizziness, Vertigo
    • Stroke
    • Low back pain 
    • History
    • Vaginal bleeding
    • Pelvic pain
  • Pediatrics
  • Derm
    • Allergy skin reaction, angioedema, drug allergy
    • Skin rash 
    • Herpes zoster
  • ENT
    • Foreign body
    • Hearing loss 
    • Ramsay Hunt syndrome
  • Oph
    • Vision change, Vision loss
    • Subconjunctival hemorrhage
    • Preseptal cellulitis, orbital cellulitis 
  • Psy
    • Hyperventilation
    • Manic symptoms

    • EPS

  • Trauma

2020年5月19日 星期二

急診模板: OBGYN

  • History

History of OBGYN
1. G   P   AA   SA    E (NSD* , C/S* ), sexual experience:+, marital status:
2. Menarche:     years old, menopause:    , hormone therapy:   , 
  Menstrual cycle: interval/duration:   /   days,
  Amount: moderate, dysmenorrhea:(-), 
3. last menstrual period: 2020/

急診模板: Derm

  • Allergy skin reaction, angioedema, drug allergy

Facial swelling (-),
Itchiness (-), pain (-), tenderness (-),  
Dyspnea (-), Stridor (-), wheezing (-)
Previous experience: 
Culprit event/ medicine: probably 
Current medication, 中藥保健食品:

急診模板: Oph

  • Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Visual disturbance (-), Visual field defecit (-)
During lifting (-), vomiting (-), cough (-)
Previous history of trauma (-), eye surgery (-)

Current medication: anticoagulant (-), antiplatelet (-)

Past medical history: HTN (-)
  • Preseptal cellulitis, orbital cellulitis

Fever (-)
EOM intact/ impaired
Visual disturbance (-), visual field deficit (-)
Conjunctiva: injected
Previous medical history: sinusitis (-), previous skin wound (-), recent ocular surgery (-), trauma (-)

2020年5月17日 星期日

急診模板: Trauma

Helmet (+), head injury (-), ILOC (-)
Active and passive ROM:
Gait: steady
Amnesia (-)
Suspected open or depressed skull fracture:
Sign of basilar skull fracture: raccoon eyes (-), Battle's sign (-), CSF otorrhea (-), CSF rhinorrhea (-)
More than 2 episodes of vomoting:
Retrograde amnesia to the event more than 30 minutes:
Dangerous mechanism:
Current medication: anticoagulant (-), antiplatelet (-)
Tetanus vaccine in recent 5 years: denied
Muscle power: R/L  /
Sensory deficit: nil
Allergy: nil
Last meal: 

No visible head wound
No obvious chest and abdominal injury
No focal neurological sign, no focal weakness


  • 急診創傷評估、處置
  • 自介
  • 病人名字、這裡是哪裡、你發生啥事
  • Primary ABCDE
    • A:airway+C-spine restriction,呼吸通暢?
      • 困難插管:影像輔助->cricothyrotomy(ER不做氣切!)
      • C-spine 可問上下肢運動、感覺
    • B:breathing & ventilation,呼吸、換氣足夠?
      • 呼吸pattern、換氣功能(Ambu, BiPAP, Ventilator)、氧合狀態
    • C:circulation & hemorrhagic control,休克?
      • Tachycardia -> ↓BP -> shock, conscious change
    • D:diability,意識清楚?
      • AVPU(清聲痛否)、pupil size、light reflex
    • E:exposure & environmental control +保暖
      • Back & perineum + DRE/Anal tone
      • 保暖:輸warm fluid+烤燈
  • 4大立即致命胸部外傷
    • Tension pnx
    • Open pnx
    • Massive hemothorax
    • Flail chest
  • FAST
    • Morrison pouch:肝腎
    • hepatospleno:肝脾
    • Pericardial
    • Douglas pouch
  • Secondary survey
    • 全身各處再檢查(孔洞:鼻、耳、NG、陰道、尿道)
    • AMPLE(之前吃藥過敏)
      • A:allergy過敏
      • M:medicine過敏
      • P:past illness/ pregnancy 過去病史、懷孕
      • L:last meal上一餐啥時吃、吃啥
      • E:events/ environment related to injury 發生啥事、環境如何
    • 完整PE、NE、Image
  • 撞到頭
    • Canadian CT Head Injury/ Trauma rule
      • 在正常人使用,看ICH是否需ICU、neurointervention
    • New Orleans/Charity Head Trauma/ Injury rule
      • 應付刁民用
      • 只要頭撞到幾乎都可用
      • 看任何出血
  • C-spine
    • Canadian C-spine
    • NEXUS Criteria for C-spine imaging
  • 小兒撞到頭
    • PECARN Pediatric Head Injury/Trauma Algorithm

2020年5月15日 星期五

急診模板: General

  • Fever

Fever to ___ °C for___days,. Headache (-), neck stiffness (-), seizure (-), change in sensorium (-)
. Cough (-), sputum (-), rhinorrhea (-), sorethroat (-), dyspnea (-)
. Dysuria (-), urinary frequency (-), urgency (-), CV angle knocking tenderness (-)
. Abdominal pain (-), diarrhea (-), tenderness (-), rebound tenderness (-)
. Myalgia (-), skin rash (-), arthralgia (-)


Host factors:
Recent ANC:
Indwelling catheters: nil


  • Febrile neutropenia

Recent WBC: , S:/ B:, ANC: 

Fever to ___ °C for___days,
. Headache (-), neck stiffness (-), seizure (-), change in sensorium (-)
. Cough (-), sputum (-), rhinorrhea (-), sorethroat (-), dyspnea (-)
. Dysuria (-), urinary frequency (-), urgency (-), CV angle knocking tenderness (-)
. Abdominal pain (-), diarrhea (-), tenderness (-), rebound tenderness (-)
. Myalgia (-), skin rash (-), arthralgia (-)


Indwelling catheters: nil

MASCC risk index:  

急診模板: CV

  • Chest pain, ACS

Chest pressure/ tightness/ pain, radiated to back/ jaw/ neck/ left arm/ right arm for____, since____
Sudden/ Gradual onset, excertional induced, dull pain/ tearing sensation /sharp pain/ stinging pain/ pleuritic pain/ burning sensation
Aggravated by lying down/ sitting up/ walking/ exercising/ climbing stairs
Relieved by taking NTG/ taking medicine/ lying down/ sitting up/ resting
Nausea (-), vomiting (-), diaphoresis (-), exertional dyspnea (-), orthopnea (-)
Cough (-), sputum (-), color (-), rhinorrhea (-), sore throat (-)
Abdominal pain (-), constipation (-)
Dysuria(-), frequency (-), urgency (-)
Recent trauma (-), Surgery history (-)
Recent forceful vomiting after drinking alcohol (-), dysphagia (-)

CV risk factor:
-DM (-), HTN (-), Dyslipidemia (-), Obesity (-), Smoking (-), Physical inactivity (-),
-Age (-), Sex (-), FHx(-)

  • Hypertension

BP, when, resistant to medication
Headache (), seizure (), stroke (), blurred vision ()
Chest pain ()/ radiation to back (), chest tightness (), dyspnea (), orthopnea (), bil leg swelling ()
Urine output (), hematuria (), dizziness (), palpitation ()

Current medication: titration (), changing ()
Change in diet ()
Use of steroids ()

Pheochromocytoma 5P:
-Pressure: hypertensive ()
-Pain: headache (), chest pain ()    
-Palpitations: tachycardia (), tremor (), weight loss (), fever ()
-Perspiration () 大量流汗
-Pallor ()

HTN (), Aortic dissection (), ischemic stroke ()  

  • Syncope

Micturition, cough, defecation, standing for too long, 打針
Turning head, shaving
Orthostatic hypotension, postural change
Seizure-like movement
Current medication:

Heart: regular/ irregular heartbeats, murmur (-),

OPD, Holter, Adm EPS